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陈式太极在350多年的演变发展过程中,又派生出了杨、吴、武、孙等各式太极拳,而陈式太极拳体系本身也有了“大架”和“小架”的区分,其中“小架”是最为传统的一种练习方法。陈氏十六世陈鑫编著的《陈氏太极拳图说》,被誉为武林圣典,其中的拳谱皆为“小架”。 陈式太极拳“小架”具有刚柔相济、螺旋缠绕、快慢相间的风格特点,一路柔多刚少,二路刚多柔少,而且因其完整的理论体系和严格有序的训练方法,被陈家沟人誉为“功夫架”、“看家拳”。
Chen style Taijiquan originated from Chenjiagou in Wenxian in Henan province. In the late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, and on the basis of fist handed down from his ancestors ,Chenwangting, the ninth Chen style ,absorbed the best feature of other Fist school and blended into Chinese classical philosophic thinking and traditional medicine principle, then he created five sets of Taijiquan, five sets of beating, thirteen postures, gun beating, and gun, knife, sword, stick, mace and whip. At the time, in order to practice skills, Chen Wangting created unique push hand and stick gun with two people. Since then, Chen style Taijiquan formed a perfect school and system.
During the developing process for over 350 years, all kinds of Taijiquan were derived from chen style Taijiquan, such as Yang, Wu, Wu, Sun, Zhaobao and so on, while Chen style Taichi is divided into “big frame” and “small frame”. Among which the “small frame” is the most traditional one. The “drawing of Chen style Taijiquan” written by Chenxin was honored as canon of wulin , among which the fist list is ‘small frame’.The features of chen style Taijiquan “small frame”are tempered toughness with gentleness, spiral-wound, alternated with quickness and slowness. On one way the gentleness is more than toughness and the other way toughness is more than gentleness. Because of the entire theory systems and strict and order training method, it was considered as “Kung fu frame” and “housekeeping fist” by people of chenjiagou.
Because Chen style small frame is only passed down to its own families and is very strict. So there is few people know it. Now the descendant of small frame is begun to impart to outside world, however, it started late and scope is limited. The Representative Men of Chen style small frame in present age are: 18th generation Chen Kezhong and Chen Honglie, 19th generation Chen Liqing and Chen Lixian, 20th generation Chen Peilin, Chen Peishan,Chen Peiju and Chen Yongfu and so on. As the actively popularizing of Chen style small frame, tool root and blossomed all around the country. Because of its unique charming, it is highly thought of and loved by more and more Taijiquan lovers.
《中华武藏》:陈式太极拳小架 陈沛山 陈沛菊 陈永福小架系列【共25碟DVD 】
Initial learning Frame Routine Ⅰ
route I skill frame
Cannon fist frame of RoutineII
108 Types Long Fist
Push Hands
Single sword initial learning frame
Single sword skill frame
Chen-style Taiji double-broadsword
Chen-Style Spring and Autumn Falchion
The Direction Table of Sizheng Taijiquan
Pugilism and Weapon-Boxing Appreciation
《中华武藏》:陈式太极拳小架 陈沛山 陈沛菊 陈永福小架系列,全套25张DVD.合30元一张DVD(可零售),原装正版。全套共计750元。
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