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·腿功杀伤力太大 王行正只用
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  Here should be the end of the article. The famous master Guo Yunshen ever said: "All the shapes and postures are not the real aim. The shapeless ways of fighting are most useful and effective." All the eight postures have been showed to you. But that‘s far away from the need of actual fighting. Practitioners can change the order of the eight postures and try to use them in succession at any order. Then, the writer believes that you can get great benefit from them. If you can use the above skills according to the defending rules of Fighting at the Will , that is ,your defending ways can be like the Chinese word "米" . You need to put your hand in the center of the eight directions, carefully judge the opponent‘s attacking direction. If his hand or foot inclines to one direction, you can hit or push your hand out toward the direction . Then, if you can hit the opponent according the actual fighting rules of attacking cooperating with the defending, and practice these skills every day, you can defeat any of the opponents, even if he is very fierce. You can end the fighting by a simple punching[Figures41,42].

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