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作者 毛景广
载体 VCD
规格 书配盘
出版单位 河南电子音像出版社
出版时间 2007-9-29
主要演员 少林高僧
Shaolin Cudgel level with Eyebow
Shaolin Qimei Cudgelis one of the important weapons in Shaolin Martial Arts.It was known throyghout China since the thirteen cudgel monks save the emporer——Tang Wang in the Tang dynasty.
The movements in QimeiCudgel are clear and natty,with each step plain and clear The cudgel can be either long or short ,whith their typical teachniques.It is used either to attack the opponent or to guard oneself.It is simple and unadorned.And the attacking tendency is quite easy to be seen.This video is made with the chief coach Shi Guoshong,the monk in Shaolin Temple,as the lecturer and the demonstrator.He teaches with a face-to-face demonstration and in order to make himself better understood and followed,he also takes a back-to-the-audience position.Lecturer and demonstrator:Shi Guosong.The chief coach of the wushu monk in Shaolin Temple.
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