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作者 毛景广
载体 VCD
规格 书配盘
出版单位 河南电子音像出版社
出版时间 2007-9-29
主要演员 任天麟
26 Form Chen Family Taiji Quan
Based on the traditional Chen Family Boxing skills, 26-Form Chen Family Taiji Boxing is a simplified boxing form, which is easy to get popularized. Being standard in action, compact in structure as well as both hard and soft at the same time, this form well inherits the essence and prime feature of Chen Family Boxing. Besides, the content and time duration of this form conform to the requirement of national competition. In general, it’s a simplified form of Chen Family Boxing, which is both easy to be popularized and convenient for competition.
This video is demonstrated by Mr. Ren Tianlin, champion of National Taiji Boxing Competition.
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