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动作示范:姜志浩 全国传统武术比赛金奖获得者
Shaolin Yinshou Cudgel Play is a special stick set pattern. Yu Da-you, the general against Japanese pirates, visited Shaolin Temple, and taught Shaolin monks the cudgel play practiced in his army. The generations of Shaolin Wushu monks studied and practiced it, and have developed it into a unique Shaolin cudgel play, called “Yinshou Cudgel Play”. The feature is using the two ends of the stick, making a feint to the east and attack in the west, pointing the upper but hitting the lower. The cudgel play seems to be held horizontally but not really horizontally, and vertically but not really vertically. The cudgel play seems to attack a crowd, actually just a row. The best advantage is that the stick can be used as flexibly as a gun. Therefore, the ShaoLin Yinshou Cudgel Play is worldwide famous and favored by military commanders.
ShaoLin Yinshou Cudgel Play is the technical core of Shaolin Wushu. It is important teaching materials in Shao Lin Tagou Wushu school.
Liu Haike, the general coach of Shaolin Tagou WushuSchool will teach the sword set pattern.
Demonstrator by Jiang Zhihao, Gold medal winner of The National Traditional Wushu Contest.
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