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Chinese Wushu is divided into a large number of schools which are expert in different skills in different areas. Among these schools "Chen's" style "Taijiquan" is outstanding, not only because it can make you healthier and stronger, but cleverer in wrestle. It keeps the distinctive character during the past 300 years, focusing on deflecting, pushing, pressing, leaning force, and combining sticking to each other without being separated with kicking, striking, throwing and grasping. "Chen's" style
"Taijiquan" practise a person from mind to physcial exercise, growing into one of the
most excellent Wushu. This video enable you to learn the typical 16 movements and
their uses in act combat in detail.
Demonstrator by ChenBing 1st prize winner of the national Taiji Contest, the 20th disciple .
Qin Dazhuang, champion of National Taiji Quan Competition.
姜其健陈氏太极实战武学系列---太极... 本店售价: ¥15元 |
姜其健陈氏太极实战武学系列---太极... 本店售价: ¥15元 |
【正版音像】陈氏太极——大杆对练 ... 本店售价: ¥12元 |
陈炳 陈氏太极拳技击方法 本店售价: ¥15元 |
陈氏太极——双锏套路 本店售价: ¥12元 |
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